Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Googles Rounded Corner Generator

Zach has picked up on google’s own corner generator.

Google probably doesn’t want this to be a corner service, but for now you can create your own google-esque corners with URLs such as:


The parameter list:

  • c - the color, as either a name or a CSS-style hex color spec (RGB or RRGGBB) sans #. The color names are taken from the CSS2 spec and are as follows: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow (thanks, anonymous commenter)
  • bc - the background color, same acceptable input as c. One twist: if you leave out the bc parameter entirely, the background is transparent.
  • h - height in pixels. If you leave it out, uses a default of 8.
  • w - width in pixels. If you leave it out, uses a default of 8.
  • a - which corner to generate; tl is top left, tr is top right, bl is bottom left, br is bottom right

Google Rounded Corners

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